This year Education Queensland released the 2024 Strategy, “Away for the Day”.
“Queensland state schools are committed to reducing the distraction of mobile devices to provide optimal learning environments for all students.
For the purpose of this procedure, mobile devices include mobile phones, wearables such as smartwatches, handheld devices and other emerging technologies which have the ability to connect to telecommunication networks or the internet.
All state school students must keep mobile phones switched off and ‘away for the day’ during school hours. Wearable devices, such as smartwatches, must have notifications switched off so that phone calls, messages and other notifications cannot be sent or received during school hours.”
The Currimundi Code of Conduct is currently being reviewed to reflect this change. Until this is fully reviewed, we ask that students’ hand in all SMART WATCHES to the Teacher Aide Room in the Administration Building, when they arrive in the morning, then pick them up at the end of the day. The same procedure as currently used for mobile phones.