Riding the waves to success
The vision statement for Currimundi Primary School, “Riding The Waves To Success” has many meanings for the students of our school, particularly as we are situated in a unique beachside location. Our vision was created to appeal to the students by making parallels to their coastal lives.
The waves never stop rolling in to the shore. Some days they may be huge waves; other days they may be just a slight swell or a mere ripple. Just like the constancy of the waves, our vision promotes to students that learning is a continuous life long process. Sometimes learning experiences may be steep and demanding (these are the big waves), while at other times we may hardly realise that learning is taking place (these are the little ripples).
Surfers need to pick a wave to surf which has the right height, speed and intensity for the surfer’s skill level. If a beginner has to face a huge wave, they will be wiped out and they will not feel success from this experience. At our school, individual student needs are recognised and catered for. Learning activities are provided to meet the needs of students according to student abilities, preferred learning styles and interest areas.
We need to always have a go and if we make a mistake, we learn new knowledge from the mistake and we are then ready to have another go equipped with improved understanding. This verse reflects what we mean by having a go:
Don’t sit on the shoreline, feeling satisfied. Choose to catch a wave. Dare to take the ride.
Our school’s vision, “Riding The Waves To Success”, tells all students that they can all have success. That success takes many different forms and we need to value and celebrate all successes. At Currimundi Primary School, there will always be learning waves there for us to ride, we need to be confident to have go and accept that we will fall off from time to time. The lifesavers, our teachers, will make sure that the conditions are right for us to dive straight into our learning waves.