Whole school approach to discipline
We place a high emphasis in the school on establishing and developing a positive culture throughout our learning community. The first step in developing a positive culture is by staff demonstrating it in all we do. We actively communicate these standards to all students with our words and actions. At Currimundi State School we emphasise the importance of directly teaching and demonstrating to students the behaviours and expectations we want them to demonstrate at school. We emphasise and reinforce positive choices and expectations as a strategy designed to prevent problem behaviours and underpin it with a framework for responding to unacceptable behaviours.
Our whole school approach supports the provision of a safe and supportive learning environment through:
- Open communication with the school community on key strategies, including the school’s Student Code of Conduct.
- Shared school values and a positive and inclusive culture that recognises the contributions of all members of the school community.
- Establishment of agreed programs and procedures that address harassment, bullying, violence and child protection that are known and understood by all members of the school community.
- Management of incidents via clear and well-understood processes, community engagement and strong relationships with relevant support specialists.
- Maintain positive behaviours through class / playground expectations and procedures.
- Modified curriculum experiences to meet individual student needs.
- Induct new staff to develop knowledge and understanding of Currimundi’s Student Code of Conduct through the mentor teachers.
- Talk to new students on induction about the Code of Conduct and how they will interact with it.
- Model and practice appropriate behaviours.
We expect that the vast majority of our students at Currimundi State School will adhere to and meet our expectations. They will choose to behave in a courteous, positive and sensible manner and demonstrate the true values of being a ‘Curra Kid’. Some students at Currimundi exceed our expectations and behave in an impeccable manner –for these students we have a merit level and for those demonstrating this on a consistent and outstanding basis in all they do in school, we have our behaviour excellence level.
Targeted Behaviour Support – Tier 1 Support
In most cases the challenging behaviours of students requiring targeted support may not be immediately regarded as serious, but the frequency of their behaviours may put the students’ learning and social growth at risk if not supported. These behaviours may also have a detrimental effect on the learning of other students and the good order and management of the school.
Students who move into ‘Tier 1 Support’ require further guidance to meet the expected behaviour standards at the school. The class teacher should have already offered and discussed with the student targeted choices as well as opened dialogue with the parent / carer – not just through email. The class teacher should then gather all relevant information and discuss these concerns with the relevant sector Deputy Principal. Upon reviewing all the relevant information, a course of action is devised on how to best support the student, teacher or parent.
Intensive Behaviour Support – Tier 2 Support
Should a student move into ‘Tier 2 Support’, the teacher will request consent from the parent to present the student to the Currimundi State School Support Services Committee. The teacher will then complete the relevant referral and present this to the committee. The sector Deputy Principal will be able to add extra input into this meeting. Upon reviewing all the relevant information, along with all previous interventions, a course of action is devised on how to best
support the student, teacher or parent.
Currimundi is committed to educating all students, including those with the highest behavioural support needs. We recognise that students with highly complex and challenging behaviours need comprehensive systems of support. Should a student not make appropriate choices whilst working at Tier 2 Support, the sector Deputy and School Principal will meet with parents / carers to discuss appropriate actions going forward.
At Currimundi, communication of our key messages about behaviour is backed up through reinforcement, which provides students with feedback for engaging in expected school behaviour. This is done in class with the rule of the week, in parade and through our wider community messages through the newsletter. This reinforcement system is designed to increase the quantity and quality of positive interactions between students and staff.
Outlined below are the proactive strategies and programs implemented to foster and promote a safe and supportive school community.
Classroom Reinforcement Schedules
In conjunction with the school-wide expectations diamond (below) individual classes operate class based reinforcement and consequences to allow teaching and learning experiences to be maximised. These schedules are developed collaboratively with students to ensure expectations are clearly defined and understood. Each teacher develops and implements positive reinforcement schedules within their classroom to recognise and reward student efforts to meet and exceed whole class expectations. Reinforcement may be delivered in a variety of ways including verbal acknowledgement and praise, social interaction, parent / caregiver contact, leadership responsibilities, material rewards etc. All classroom models are based on our five point scale.
Expectation Lessons
To ensure students have the necessary knowledge and skills, lessons are delivered teaching students the expected behaviours within the school. This enables potential learning experiences to be optimal. General capabilities, including the full remit of personal and social skills are delivered as bespoke activities and fully integrated into lessons as part of the delivery of the Australian Curriculum.
Merit and Excellence Levels
We recognise at Currimundi State School that many students do not just do what is expected – they go above and beyond in their efforts, their mannerisms and their behaviours. Within the individual classrooms, we encourage teachers to formally recognise when students demonstrate positive behaviours and choices on a consistent basis. Students who achieve and remain at these levels will be recognised with certificates of achievement at the key points in each term / semester.
Green Tickets
Green tickets are provided to class teachers. These tickets are used to reinforce positive behaviours in the classroom. When a student is given a green ticket, they write their name on the back and place it in the classroom’s ‘Green Ticket Lucky Draw’ box. Green tickets match the wording from our whole school rules matrix. The class teacher conducts regular lucky draws and offers various prizes or ice block vouchers.
Class teachers should record the names of all students receiving a green ticket and the number of tickets they collect. Student Councillors will be attached to each class to support this process. These numbers should be presented at school council meetings each week and recorded by the School Council lead.
The whole of school green ticket reward occurs twice a year in Terms 2 and 4. The top two (2) winners from each class will receive a prize or enjoy a special lunch provided by the Currimundi Tuck Shop and attended by the Principal and/or Deputy Principal. The top five from each class will also receive a certificate of accomplishment at the end of each semester.
All students have the opportunity to win a Green ticket prize regardless of their behaviour level.
Blue Tickets - Positive Playground Behaviour
Blue tickets are kept in playground duty folders and are allocated to students to reinforce positive behaviours exhibited during lunch and play times. When given a blue ticket, (which lists the student’s name, class and the expectation that has been met), the student places their named ticket in their house box located at the Resource Centre. These are collated by the Deputy Principal, recording the names and numbers of Blue Tickets received by each student. During the weekly parade, two (2) winners are randomly drawn from the box. Each winner receives an ice block voucher and has their name published in the newsletter. At the end of each term, all students who have received a Blue Ticket are invited to a games session during one of the lunch breaks with their sector Deputy Principal.
Super Surfer Certificates
All teachers are encouraged to present general certificates for good work and good behaviour during the course of the school week. ‘Super Surfer’ awards are given to one child from each class on parade each week and is recorded centrally on OneSchool.
Behaviour support - tiered system
The Tiered System
The aim of the Currimundi Behaviour Support Program is to create an environment where every member of the school community is able to function to the best of his / her ability. Our tiered based system focuses on the development and maintenance of self-discipline. The system applies to all students enrolled at Currimundi State School, however adjustments are made to meet the requirements of individuals requiring targeted or intensive support. The tiered system encourages students to make positive choices and rewards those that consistently demonstrate the values and expectations that we aspire to. The parent / carer is a key partner in every tier of the behaviour system and it is our job as professionals to engage with parents and keep them informed and involved in this process.
Level System Operation
Student behaviour will fall into one of five levels with ‘Expected’ being the standard that we expect students to exhibit and achieve.
Students who demonstrate above standard behaviours will climb into Merit and Excellence levels.
Students who exhibit additional needs and who require additional guidance will be supported in Tier 1 Support or Tier 2 Support. Students at these levels will be supported by their class teacher, sector Deputy and other additional professionals as deemed necessary.