
Rules and policies


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Student Dress Code

Currimundi Primary School is a ‘Uniform School’ where students are expected to wear the school uniform.  Clothing that is offensive or likely to disrupt, or negatively influence the normal operation of the school is not permitted.  Students are to wear the Currimundi Primary School shirt and black shorts, cullottes, skorts or a skirt.  During the winter months, students are permitted to wear black tracksuit pants and a (bottle) green school jacket or (bottle) green coloured jumper.  They are also required to wear predominately black enclosed sports shoes (not ‘slip on’ shoes) and white (logo free) socks.  A green wide brimmed hat is to be worn for all outdoor activities to ensure sun safety.  Currimundi Primary School is a Sun Safety accredited school and follows the Sun-Safe guidelines of the Queensland Cancer Society.  Students must not wear jewellery to school unless it is a necklace of religious significance that bears a significant religious symbol, earrings that are small plain studs or sleepers, a watch, a flat signet ring or medical alert bracelet.  Nail polish, make up, brightly coloured hair dyes and facial piercing are not acceptable.  All students with long hair (hair that is able to be tied back), female and male, should have their hair tied back at all times if it is going to cause a risk during an educational activity.  Wearing the school uniform enhances the school tone and instils in the students a feeling of pride and a sense of belonging.  The correct school uniform can be purchased from the school Tuckshop.

The Currimundi Primary School Student Dress Code​ has been endorsed by the school’s Parents & Citizens Association.   Students may be issued with a detention for ongoing uncooperative behaviour should they be unwilling to take reasonable steps to modify their dress to meet the criteria of the school’s endorsed Student Dress Code.

Exemptions from Compulsory School and Compulsory Participation

What is an exemption and why do I need it?

Every parent of a child of compulsory school age or a young person in the compulsory participation phase has a legal obligation to ensure their child is enrolled and attending school or participating in an eligible option.

Parents can apply for an exemption from this obligation when their child cannot attend or it would be unreasonable in all the circumstances for their child to attend school or participate in an eligible option for a period of more than 10 consecutive school days.

Situations where an application for an exemption may be made include:

  • Illness
  • Family reasons
  • Family holidays
  • Cultural or religious reasons

If your child is exempted from compulsory schooling, you are excused from your obligation in relation to compulsory participation. The school principal is not responsible for providing an educational program, however they may provide advice on other educational options available.

Who decides to grant or not grant an exemption?

For state school students: Decisions about exemptions for up to one school year are made by the principal of the school the student attends. Decisions about exemptions for more than one school year are made by the relevant Regional Director of the Department of Education, Training and Employment, responsible for the supervision of the school your child attends.

Applying for an exemption

You are encouraged to discuss with the school whether an application for exemption is a suitable option. The school can provide you with an application form for an exemption. It is important that supporting documentation and evidence are attached to the application.

When a decision about the exemption has been made, you will be inform in writing whether or not the exemption has been granted and if any conditions have been imposed. If you are not satisfied with the decision made, you can make a submission for the decision to be reviewed.

Other policies:

Information regarding other school policies as listed below can be found in the Currimundi State School Information Booklet​​ (PDF 1800KB)​. 

  • Behaviour management policy
  • Homework policy
  • Medication at school
  • Mobile phone policy
  • Vehicle parking policy
  • Visitor policy 
Last reviewed 20 March 2025
Last updated 20 March 2025