
Chaplain/Wellbeing Officer


School Chaplain/ Wellbeing officer

A school chaplain/wellbeing officer is a safe person for young people to connect with at school, providing a listening ear, caring presence and a message of hope. They care for students struggling with a range of issues within themselves or their family networks which may include; family problems, confusing relationships, peer pressure, friendship difficulties, low self-esteem, bullying, depression, suicide, drug and alcohol issues or physical and emotional abuse. This support includes support for at risk students, staff and families from the wider school community. Chaplains/wellbeing officers will respect the range of religious views and affiliations, cultural traditions in the school community and be approachable by all people of all faiths. 

Chaplains/wellbeing officers run positive and fun activities for young people both in and out of school and foster a supportive caring school community. These positive relationships help young people to face issues and provide hope, connection, meaning and purpose.

Who is our Chaplain/ Wellbeing officer?

Our school Wellbeing Officer is Bec Markussen. She can be contacted each Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at school.

It is our vision that the heart of chaplaincy at Currimundi State School would surpass age, gender or position in its care by connecting with people in their circumstances and providing unconditional love, support and friendship.

"Too often we underestimate the power of a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." Leo Buscaglia

Last reviewed 24 May 2023
Last updated 24 May 2023