I would like to update you about the schedule for Week 11 this term - the final week of the school year (normally terms are 10 weeks in length).
During Week 11 (Monday 9 December – Friday 13 December) our school will be providing supervision for students. This means students will not necessarily have their classroom teacher or be in their regular classroom.
Please note that report cards, Year 6 Graduation ceremony and all other academic activities will be finalised in week 10.
Week 11 is an opportunity for students to engage in various supervised activities and reflect on the past year while spending time with their peers in a relaxed and supportive environment.
Don’t forget to date claim the Junior and Senior Christmas concerts on Thursday 12 Dec. first session in week 11.
The Christmas concerts will be followed by class break up parties.
We will understand if you choose to start your holiday plans early, however we would ask you to inform the office if this will be the case.
We appreciate your support throughout the year and look forward to celebrating the achievements of our students in the final days of the term.
Jill Pass