This incursion is an introduction activity to our Term 2 Science Physics unit entitled ‘Toy Factory. All year 02 students will attend a full day activity session conducted by the Sunshine Coast Environmental Education Centre (SCEEC) staff in our school hall. The students will work scientifically through play and investigation and will have the opportunity to experiment with different toys and games that involve pushing and pulling. At the end of the day students will have made three simple toys using a range of forces to make them move. We are confident that all participating students will have a fantastic day of enjoyment and learning.
06/05/2025 - 2H - Currimundi School Hall
07/05/2025 - 2B - Currimundi School Hall
09/05/2025 - 2C and 2Z - Currimundi School Hall
Consent for this incursion has been sent, check your email! We have the majority of these in already. Invoices have also been sent. This year we are aiming to disperse excursion details a term earlier. Payment and Consent are due by Friday 4 April.